What Does Brotherhood Mean to You?
The time for procrastination, prevarication, and/or premedication is over! Notwithstanding any previous negative response to this annual celebration which you may have proffered, you can still reply: "YES, OUI, BIEN SUR, JAWOHL, SI, or WHAT THE HELL, WHY NOT" and all will be forgiven (although, an administrative surcharge may apply for the inconvenience)
We do have room for both you and your hang-ups. We love to see new/old faces - even if they are more or less wizened than our own.
So, look yourself in the mirror, or deep beyond the dust bunnies in your navel, and answer that age - old question: "What Does Brotherhood Mean to Me?"- If the answer is simply: "A weekend away from The Wife" - that's o.k. by us. We are not easily offended (although she may be) and we promise you will be welcomed with the same bonhomie or indifference as those who really want to play golf and/or bond with Old Friends and enjoy Cocktails.
Look forward to hearing from All, and especially Sundry.
In Hoc,
The time for procrastination, prevarication, and/or premedication is over! Notwithstanding any previous negative response to this annual celebration which you may have proffered, you can still reply: "YES, OUI, BIEN SUR, JAWOHL, SI, or WHAT THE HELL, WHY NOT" and all will be forgiven (although, an administrative surcharge may apply for the inconvenience)
We do have room for both you and your hang-ups. We love to see new/old faces - even if they are more or less wizened than our own.
So, look yourself in the mirror, or deep beyond the dust bunnies in your navel, and answer that age - old question: "What Does Brotherhood Mean to Me?"- If the answer is simply: "A weekend away from The Wife" - that's o.k. by us. We are not easily offended (although she may be) and we promise you will be welcomed with the same bonhomie or indifference as those who really want to play golf and/or bond with Old Friends and enjoy Cocktails.
Look forward to hearing from All, and especially Sundry.
In Hoc,